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Vavazimeo RECOGNIZE THE BRAIN IS TRYING TO KEEP KARTHI SAFE FROM DANGER OR Strifes; SIMPLY KEEP COMING TO ME AND PREPPING UP ALL PROBLEM AHEAD > THANKS FOR TRYINg TO DEFEND AND PROTECT ME BUT You can rest brain, Now I will take everything away from this zone.01: Use good mantras to postpone and keep negative thought at rain check > CHECK WHAT IS THE ACTUAL PERCEPTION, cut off this misguided perception it is not real, just think ‘This is just negative thinking, I am not culpable for this at all’ | give yourself space and distance, recognize it is a feeling, not reality, > I can notice that I am very insecure and lonely victimized, , statement ("I am lonely") to the tune of "Happy Birthday." Then try singing in a cartoon character's voice. Even if you don't crack a smile, you'll be putting more space between your ridiculous self and that even sillier negative thought. that disapproving thought make no sense. Follow these few steps tomorrow and today. | Do meditation With a positive mantra with 8 few steps, Notice your presence, sensations separate your thought and reality, EVERYTIME YOU HAVE A NEGATIVE THOUGHT JUST LITERALLY SAY [Stop! Or imagine a stop sign warning] •

Vavazimeo RECOGNIZE THE BRAIN IS TRYING TO KEEP KARTHI SAFE FROM DANGER OR Strifes; SIMPLY KEEP COMING TO ME AND PREPPING UP ALL PROBLEM AHEAD > THANKS FOR TRYINg TO DEFEND AND PROTECT ME BUT You can rest brain, Now I will take everything away from this zone.01: Use good mantras to postpone and keep negative thought at rain check > CHECK WHAT IS THE ACTUAL PERCEPTION, cut off this misguided perception it is not real, just think ‘This is just negative thinking, I am not culpable for this at all’ | give yourself space and distance, recognize it is a feeling, not reality, > I can notice that I am very insecure and lonely victimized, , statement ("I am lonely") to the tune of "Happy Birthday." Then try singing in a cartoon character's voice. Even if you don't crack a smile, you'll be putting more space between your ridiculous self and that even sillier negative thought. that disapproving thought make no sense. Follow these few steps tomorrow and today. | Do meditation With a positive mantra with 8 few steps, Notice your presence, sensations separate your thought and reality, EVERYTIME YOU HAVE A NEGATIVE THOUGHT JUST LITERALLY SAY [Stop! Or imagine a stop sign warning] •

Write those though down on a special list in a hidden lobby center, just PUT THEM IN A DELETING CENTER BU HIDING THEM WITH BLACK CENSORS. This feels like you have diminished your negative trap of your brain’s negation and your bad thoughts and your imagination that does not serve you. Including the people imageries. + “I am lonely to the tune of Happy birthday” “Now I am noticing that I am very lonely” I feel downbeat Note yourself that 99.9% of your times, you have nothing to do with that someone is in.


Sjskdkks 2 years ago

99.9% of the time you have nothing to do with the mood that some other fool is in. Thanks.

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Vavazimeo RECOGNIZE THE BRAIN IS TRYING TO KEEP KARTHI SAFE FROM DANGER OR Strifes; SIMPLY KEEP COMING TO ME AND PREPPING UP ALL PROBLEM AHEAD > THANKS FOR TRYINH TO DEFEND AND PROTECT ME BUT You can rest brain, Now I will take everything away from this zone.01: Use good mantras to postpone and keep negative thought at rain check > CHECK WHAT IS THE ACTUAL PERCEPTION, cut off this misguided perception it is not real, just think ‘This is just negative thinking, I am not culpable for this at all’ | give yourself space and distance, recognize it is a feeling, not reality, > I can notice that I am very insecure and lonely victimized, , statement ("I am lonely") to the tune of "Happy Birthday." Then try singing in a cartoon character's voice. Even if you don't crack a smile, you'll be putting more space between your ridiculous self and that even sillier negative thought. that disapproving thought make no sense. Follow these few steps tomorrow and today.
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